The Rebel Clown Army

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Monday, 27 March 2017

What is the definition of a clown?

What is the definition of a clown?

A bit of a philosophical clown question here.

What is a clown apart from >> "you LOL LOL", yes very funny from the 8 year old school kid readers who visit I am sure.

Definitions change over time and it could go from 20 men squashed in a mini driving around a tent only to get out and throw spongy balls at you, to a sexy girl like Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn.

Would you call her, the sexy Jokers girlfriend, just trying to pull off a clown look, an actual clown or properly mentally ill?

Margo Robbie plays the Jokers girlfriend in this film Margot Quinn. She actually manages to escape at the end through a deliberate miss from the hit man that never misses i.e Will SmithHotshot.

I think DC are getting fed up with all the Marvel and Captain America films and need some new blood now Super Man has gone.

Is it the hair?

The clothes?

The colourfulness?

Or is she just a sexy bird in tight clothes with coloured hair?

Here she is with Deadshot (Will Smith)

What is your definition?

1 comment:

  1. Loving this blog Rob. Well written, could do with a bit more content...maybe about the sequel to this thats coming out? Xxxxz


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